Register Account

Job Description :

- Visit and create an account.
- Select interest categories like Cryptocurrency, Business, Money, Blockchain, Marketing and click continue.
- Now, visit your Medium profile, you will have to change name and upload profile picture:
  1. Visit to generate fake name, copy only the first name (for example Mary, Larry, Will, Jane)
  2. Add word "Crypto" after the first name. The final name will look like this: Mary Crypto, Larry Crypto, Will Crypto
  3. Now visit and download profile picture. If the name you generated is male, download male picture, if female, download female picture
  4. Now update the Medium profile details with a new name and upload profile picture you downloaded.
- Now visit settings page (click here) -> Security and apps -> scroll to the bottom, there is Integration tokens options
- Click the Integration tokens button, and create a new integration token. You can name it whatever you want.
- Copy the Integration token you just generated and submit it as a result of this job. :) That's it.

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