Create 2 free account earn instant$3 -$6

Job Description :

Hi dear Picoworkers a very fast mission for money. Real easy money! 

1. Go to this URL:  (Daily Dating Websites Review)

2. Click on the 1 red click here button and 2 banners on the site and open 7 websites. 

3. Create 2 FREE account registrations on any 7 websites from 7! Scrolling up and down 15 seconds on websites after Click through the prompts and then click the “Create a Free account” button

4. It will take you to a new page, click “Free Account” 

5. Complete email, nickname, and password prompts

6. Go to your email and click the “Activate your Account” button.

Honeygain and Pawns instant pay $3! After registration share your referral link with your friends and earn UNLIMITED PASSIVE INCOME!

7. Take a picture of the new member page and then Click "continue" or "start browsing" or send me 3 verified emails that you use for Free registrations. 

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