Carefully Website Visits

Job Description :

Do the work very carefully Otherwise, I will not pay.
  •  First, click on this link
 ==> ""

==> Then the page that will appear is given in the screenshot
Click the page link : ( )

Then it will take you to another page, Take a screenshot of this page
There are like 6–7 pictures on that page
Click on each image, wait 30 seconds and take screenshot with time
Give me total 4 screenshots as proof
Here are 3 and the previous one.

I won't pay if it's not 30 seconds

Use this tool ( to stitch all the screenshots into one and upload them as one. 

1. Before beginning the task, log in from your Google account if you're using the Chrome browser / log out from your Microsoft account if you are using the Bing browser. Then open incognito mode.
2. To get approved, you need to follow all the steps that I have provided and submit all the proofs. So read carefully before starting.

Enter The Required Proof Of Job Finished:

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