
What Are Micro Tasks? How to Earn Money Doing Micro Tasks?

What Are Micro Tasks? How to Earn Money Doing Micro Tasks?

Micro-tasks provide the opportunity to earn with minimal effort, they may not seem fruitful, but completing them can be one of the easiest ways to earn money online. They are simple easy-to-do tasks that require no experience and can be done in your spare time. 

Micro Tasks come in many different categories, such as website visits, completing surveys, downloading apps, and much more. They give you the flexibility of choosing what you want to work on and when.

What Are Micro Tasks?

Micro-tasks also known as Micro-Jobs are a way for business owners, marketers, and researchers to crowdsource tasks, so a large number of people can perform them at the same time, such as completing a survey that can be done by thousands of people, from around the world.

They are quick, small, one-time gigs that just circle around performing certain tasks, and the pay can vary from job to job, but usually, you earn cents or a couple of dollars by completing a single task. By using your spare time, and completing tasks on websites like Picoworkers, Microworkers, and Fiver, you can earn a couple hundred dollars a month.

How to Use Picoworkers to Complete Micro-Tasks?

While there are many platforms to use and complete Micro-Tasks, they aren’t as easy and user-friendly as Picoworkers.

Sign Up & Understanding Picoworkers Dashboard

To use Picoworkers and complete micro-tasks start by signing up:

  1. Visit, and click on the register button at the top right. 
  2. Enter the required details, your username, password, email, and phone number.
  3. Complete your profile by entering your first and last name.
Now start understanding how Picoworkers workers work, by exploring the dashboard first. In the Picoworkers dashboard you get to see:

Completing Tasks

After you have successfully signed up, and understand how the basics of your Picoworkers profile work head over to the Jobs section. Now in the jobs section, you can use these features to find a suitable task for yourself:

  1. Use the jobs category filter to browse different categories such as CPA leads, PTC Visits, Read Articles, Social Media Marketing, and much more. You can additionally also use the all categories option and that will show you all available jobs from every category. 
  2. By default the jobs would be sorted by most recent, however, you can use the filter button to find high-paying or low-paying jobs. On the homepage, you can also use the search bar to find a certain type of job you are interested in.

Now that you have understood how you can find a job, and start your journey of completing tasks and earning money, simply follow the guide below to learn how to complete tasks on Picoworkers: 

  1. After selecting a job you are interested in, click “Apply.”
  2. Read the job description carefully, and check your eligibility for the task.
  3. Follow each step that is mentioned in the job, and take proof of everything that is required. 
  4. Go back to the job, enter the required proof of job finished, and click “Request For Complete.”
  5. Now, the job employer will check if you did the task correctly and release your payment. 
  6. The payment will be added to your profile balance which can be withdrawn at $10.

Tips For Completing Micro-Tasks

Micro-tasks aren’t just about completing the given task, you have to do it correctly and the more efficient the better. Read the tips below for completing micro-tasks, to be more efficient in making money.

Focus on Quality & Be Accurate

While completing the task, make sure you are focusing on the quality of the work. If you have been asked to write, or enter data make sure you are doing it quality so the task doesn't get rejected. Additionally, being accurate is must read the job details carefully so you don’t miss any steps that can lead to mistakes therefore rejection of the submitted task.

Target Quick-to-do Tasks

Explore different types of tasks and target specifically those that are the least time-consuming, this way you can earn more per hour. While targetting quick-to-do tasks makes you more efficient in earning money, it may not be for the long term, so when you can target quick-to-do tasks don’t forget to mix around the work you are doing so you are not getting bored. 

Stay Alerted for High-Paying Tasks

Picowrkers has a special category for High-Paying Tasks, which get finished quickly. So, always start alerted for high-paying tasks to earn the most you can while doing micro-tasks. But remember always prioritize quality, instead of quantity.

What’s The Future of Micro-Tasks?

The future of Micro-Tasks seems promising because the freelancing market has been growing rapidly. In 2024 freelance platforms are estimated to be worth around $3.39 billion. There are currently over 1.5 billion freelancers in the world, and day-by-day companies are looking to crowdsource their work in bulk to be more efficient. 

There is no need to worry about the future of micro-jobs because there are always businesses, marketers, companies, and individuals who want to crowdsource jobs, and the diversity of work is expected to grow even more.


Micro-tasks are a quick way to earn, that can be done in minimal time and effort. Micro-tasks are available in different categories and there being loads of micro-jobs on platforms, makes it the best and easiest way to earn money online. They are just a one-time gig, that can be done easily through Picoworkers. Get started now on Picoworkers, browse through different categories and thousands of jobs available, and earn money,

Start Your Journey - Earn Now

Take few minutes to complete micro jobs anytime and anywere with no prior experience. Be stess-free and choose simple jobs in varius categories and start earning now with Picoworkers!

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